Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow, the beginning

natures graffiti, originally uploaded by stoney.jackson.

The snow is falling outside. Even when hauling shitty bed frames and old crusty mattresses, the snow brings a certain peace. I hope it falls through the night so I may be greeted with the white glow of a fresh winter morn. Whichever way it goes, I'm in New York City, and I am happy.

I cannot wait to hit Central Park. I'm taking a german beauty with me. We will frollick, we will throw snowballs, and when it is all over, we will retire to the warmth of our home where I will dispense warm coffee to frozen weary travellers.

This is what life is. This is how we live. This is what I will tell me grandchildren when my hip is gone but my spirit still strong. This is what gives me some kind of purpose.

I have begun a new journey; I'm in the middle of an old journey; and I am continuing the never ending, never beginning journey since the universe first exploded. I am dropping my grain into the sandy beach. One day perhaps it will make some beautiful glass. For now, I'm happy being the speck, because I'm my own speck.

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